Our journey commenced in 2020 when our visionary founder embarked on a quiet revolution with the aim of democratizing education. He gathered a cohort of esteemed academics already imparting knowledge across Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. The concept aimed to deliver pertinent education through a curriculum centered on solutions and capable of instilling critical thinking abilities. The curriculum would combine the insights, heritage, and local customs of the learners with contemporary advancements to foster sustainable innovation.

In 2021, these academic leaders began to engage thousands of eager learners and participants by delivering empowering online content through the Ubuntu Community Dialogue and hosting workshops and seminars. Furthermore, they extended their outreach by offering complimentary courses through the signature “Unleash Yourself” program, which not only provided participants with certificates but also rewarded competition winners with monetary prizes to kick-start their entrepreneurial endeavors.

In 2022, Osiri University was officially registered and gained approval from the Nebraska’s Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education (CCPE) in the USA in the subsequent year. While Osiri University has been actively working towards accreditation and building strategic partnerships since its inception, it became evident that many individuals in disadvantaged communities lacked the means to finance their education. This realization led to the establishment of the Osiri University Foundation in 2023.

Guided by the principles of Ubuntu, which encapsulates the interconnectedness of humanity, our mission is to provide education that transcends barriers, making it not only accessible but also devoid of tuition fees, ensuring that high-quality learning experiences are within reach for all individuals, with a particular focus on emerging change-makers who have limited financial resources. We aspire to be the catalyst for a brighter future where education is a beacon of hope and empowerment, transcending societal boundaries and forging a collective path toward a positive transformation.